Installation instructions


Download and run the setup program at, which embeds everything you need.

If you don't have admin rights on your computer, choose Install for me only during setup

If you get a Windows Smart Screen alert

Windows Smart Screen blocks the program NOT because it is a malware (it is NOT!), but just because JJazzLab is new, so Windows security servers don't have enough statistics to evaluate its "security reputation".

Once enough users will have successfully downloaded and installed it, Windows Smart Screen will not block the program anymore.

You can find more explanations in this good article.


You must first install FluidSynth (>=2.2.0) manually (I strongly recommend via Homebrew):

Mac computers with Apple M1 processor

Download the .pkg file at and open it.

Mac computers with Intel x64 processor

.pkg files are not always supported on old MacOS versions, so we propose a .zip file, a basic solution but compatible with many MacOS versions.

  • Download the .zip file and extract (open file with Finder)

  • Execute file bin/jjazzlab to start JJazzLab.

If you get a security alert

Using the Finder, select the JJazzLab package, ctrl-click menu, Open, this will give you the choice to open the application in spite of the security alert.


If FluidSynth makes some "crackling" noise, make sure your Linux is optimized for audio applications:

Using packages

JJazzLab packages are only proposed in selected formats (.deb, .rpm, ...).

Download the relevant package for your distro at, then open it with the relevant package manager (examples below) :

sudo apt-get install ./jjazzlab_4.0.2-1_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi install ./jjazzlab-4.0.2-0.x86_64.deb
sudo zypper install ./jjazzlab-4.0.2-0.x86_64.rpm

JJazzLab packages declare a dependency on the FluidSynth (>=2.2.0) package. So the package manager should automatically install it if it's not already present on your system.

Using the tar.xz package

The .tar.xz package should work on any Linux distro (x64).

  1. Install FluidSynth (>=2.2.0) manually:

  2. Download and extract the JJazzLab .tar.xz file, e.g tar -xf JJazzLab-4.0.2-linux-x64.tar.xz

  3. Runbin/jjazzlab

Special case: in a non-standard directory

On Linux, JJazzLab uses FluidSynth via its shared library (or The file is expected to be in one of the standard directories: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, /usr/lib, /usr/lib64, /usr/local/lib, /lib

If you successfully installed FluidSynth (>=2.2.0) but JJazzLab can't load FluidSynth, it's possible that was installed in a non-standard directory. Once you found the file location (for example in /tmp/lib/, you can tell JJazzLab where to find it:

  • In the JJazzLab installation directory, edit file etc/jjazzlab.conf

  • Add -J-Dfluidsynthlib.path=/tmp/lib/ at the end of the default_options variable

  • Start JJazzLab

JJazzLab embeds its own Java Runtime Engine. You don't have to deal with Java at all. Trying to use a different JRE/JDK will certainly generate problems.

Last updated