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Uso MacOS, No puedo encontrar el menú Herramientas/Opciones?
En MacOS las opciones son accesadas a través del menú principal JJazzLab/Preferencias.
Cómo cambio la tonalidad de una canción?
Selecciona todos los símbolos de los acordes (click derecho y luego elegir "seleccionar todos los acordes")
Luego utiliza la rueda del ratón o haz click con el botón derecho y elige "Transponer"
How to force a clean re-installation?
You need to reset all JJazzLab user settings (uninstall/re-install is not enough).
The simple way: menu Tools/Options/Advanced, button Reset all user settings.
The hard way: find the location of your Netbeans user dir in menu Help/About/System Information, **exit JJazzLab, then delete the Netbeans user dir**.
I don't have administration privileges on my Windows computer, can I install JJazzLab?
Yes. When first prompted by the JJazzLab installer, select "Install only for me", then select an installation directory where you have write access (in My Documents for example).
How to make fonts bigger?
In the JJazzLab installation directory, edit the file etc/jjazzlab.conf and add --fontsize 16 (16 or any other value, default is 11) in the default_options variable, you should end up with something like this:
default_options="--branding jjazzlab -J-Djjazzlab.version=2.2.0 -J-Dplugin.manager.check.interval=EVERY_DAY --fontsize 16"
Restart JJazzLab. All menus should look bigger now.
This won't solve everything though, as some editor fonts do not depend on this setting. But you can tweak some of them using menu Tools/Options/Theme. Check each item in the list and if there is a font defined, change it to make it bigger. The user settings are automatically saved, so you need to do this only once.
Can I start JJazzLab with command line arguments?
You can pass one or more .sng file names on the command line, JJazzLab will open them upon start.
How to submit a bug? How to find the "log" file?
Send an email or, if you're a GitHub user, create an issue.
We need the following information in order to help you:
Provide the content of the log file
Describe what does not work as expected
Describe the sequence of actions that caused the issue
A new log file is created upon each start of JJazzLab. It's important to get the right log file when the problem occured.
To get the log file content:
Right after the problem has occured, go to menu Tools/Options/Advanced
Click on Show Log Window
Copy & paste the full content of this window in your bug report
If for some reason the above does not work:
Go to menu Help/About and find the location of your Netbeans user dir. For ex. on Windows
For ex. on Linux/home/MyName/.jjazzlab/2.2
Open an explorer, go to this directory then to the var/log subdirectory
The last log file is messages.log, the previous one is messages.log.1, the before previous is messages.log.2, etc.
Find the relevant log file and send it with your bug report
If you can't find the Netbeans user dir., make sure your explorer shows the hidden files (e.g. the AppData directory is usually hidden on Windows)
Last updated